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Migrating to the package executor

Since plugin version 5.1.0, the existing build executor has been deprecated in favor of a Nx native build in combination with the package executor.

For all the details and motivation of this change refer to the discussion on GitHub.

Migration steps

  1. Ensure you are on the latest plugin version by running:

    nx add @toolsplus/nx-forge@latest.

  2. Generate a new Forge app with the updated app generator. Make sure to set the bundler option to choose if the build task should be run by Webpack or esbuild. You do not need to run the build, package, or register tasks. Generating this Forge app will ensure you have the correct dependencies installed and your workspace is configured to work with Webpack or esbuild.

  3. a) If you chose the Webpack bundler option (default):

    Copy the webpack.config.js to your app's project directory and update the output.path to match your project layout. Delete the existing build target configuration.

    b) If you chose the esbuild bundler option:

    Copy the build target configuration from the generated app's project.json and replace the existing build target configuration in your app's project.json. Adjust the path configurations in the build target to match your project layout.

  4. Run nx g @nx/workspace:remove --projectName=<genrated-forge-app> to remove the app generated in step 2.

Released under the MIT License.