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Documents the generators provided by the Nx Forge plugin.

Append --help or -h for any of the plugin generators to explore all available options.


nx generate @toolsplus/nx-forge:app <nx-forge-app-name>

Generates a blank Forge app project named <nx-forge-app-name>. In almost all cases, you probably want to run the Forge app registration task immediately after this generator to register the app with the Forge platform.


  • name required
    • Name of the application.
    • Type: string
  • directory
    • Directory where the project is placed
    • Type: string
  • bundler
    • Bundler which is used to package the application
    • Type: string
    • The value is restricted to the following:
      1. "esbuild"
      2. "webpack"
    • Default: "webpack"
  • projectNameAndRootFormat
    • Whether to generate the project name and root directory as provided (as-provided) or generate them composing their values and taking the configured layout into account (derived).
    • Type: string
    • The value is restricted to the following:
      1. "as-provided"
      2. "derived"
  • skipFormat
    • Skip formatting files.
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: false
  • linter
    • Tool to use for running lint checks.
    • Type: string
    • The value is restricted to the following:
      1. "eslint"
      2. "none"
    • Default: "eslint"
  • unitTestRunner
    • Test runner to use for unit tests.
    • Type: string
    • The value is restricted to the following:
      1. "jest"
      2. "none"
    • Default: "jest"
  • tags
    • Add tags to the project (used for linting)
    • Type: string
  • swcJest
    • Use @swc/jest instead ts-jest for faster test compilation.
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: false
  • babelJest Deprecated
    • Use babel instead of ts-jest.
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: false
    • Deprecated: Use --swcJest instead
  • js
    • Generate JavaScript files rather than TypeScript files.
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: false
  • setParserOptionsProject
    • Whether or not to configure the ESLint parserOptions.project option. We do not do this by default for lint performance reasons.
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: false

Released under the MIT License.